Monday, April 5, 2010

Almost There


So, it's Monday and I am creeping closer and closer to the end of my second year of University! Ahh, it's exciting. It's a stressfull time; however, I got a lot accomplished today, amazingly! Yay for being PRODUCTIVE!

I'm still trying to figure myself out... Lately, I have found myself beginning to see life clearly and for some reason I don't like it. I can't understand how a person could "hate" an individual. I mean, there are acts in which one may perform that may make me ....grrrr!!.... But you can't always look at life through one set of eyes. It is human nature to do so, but once you get past that... it's an amazing difference. Lately, I've felt as though all of my negative feelings towards others have disappeared.

The past two weeks have been incredibly difficult, and things seemed like they were starting to clash. All of my family on the island = enemies. Nobody will speak to each other, and it's been so hard. As of tonight, I have found out that my other side of the family, in Ottawa, are beginning to fall in the same direction. I feel like I have no family left, but I'm praying that it'll all workout. Luckily, I still have all my friends!! Lurrrvee..

Ok, exciting news.... the official date that I move into my new house with my friends is on the 17th of April.... :D YESSSSSSSS! I am crazy pumped.... Also, I can practice my music anytime now! No music curfew! It's been hard to study because I can't stop thinking about it, haha. Oh dear....good times ahead!! Speaking of music, I don't think I have ever practiced as much as I have the past four months. It's sweet!

Ok ok ok..... I NEED to study. Much love.


Life's Too Beautiful To Quit :)


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